no you cant
It can never touch the ground if it does you have to burn it or we take your food!
the riddle
if your looking for the riddle answer, its a trick question. the answer to the riddle is that you cant dig half of a whole
take it to the vet
A photograph. You cant take a picture of the future and as soon as you take one of the present and then look at it, it is now a picture of the past.
Tom Riddle was really Voldemort. Can you figure out this riddle? He said. That's a true riddle, how did he manage to take all that money?
take it to the store you got it from, or a nearby apple store if they cant fix it, you are stuffed.
a corn field!
Fairy Riddle: What is beautiful, mystic, and shy? Something you may not touch, see or hear? Something only you can define? A: A Fairy. Sorry if this didn't help :(