Best left to a professional, cost might exceed worth of the air weapon.
My reference books do not list the model 815 but state that it also is the same model under the Winchester brand name made by Daisy, model 353. The model 353 is worth between $160 to $200 in excellent condition. It was not uncommon for other manufacture to make air guns under several different names and model numbers. This may be the reason the two models (815 & 353) are referenced in my catalogues just rebuilt my model 815 excellent service
This is a tough question to answer. I use the latest Bluebook of Airguns to determine the value of airguns. The Hy Score section of the book doesn't list the model 815 so I went up on the web and found an Almost new one for Sale (See the link Below) is list for $100. Personally I think that price is low, because I compaired it to other pistols listed in the Hy Score section and they sell for a LOT more In excellent condition. Your is in Very good condition so, Yes it may also be worth $100 but you have to add about another 20% to the value for the box. The one on the web page says it was made on 02-71 so I assume that represents Feb1971. 07/10/2014. The model 815 is the same model as the Diana model 5: in Very Good condition it is worth around $75 to $90. USD Add 20% to the value for the box.
The Western Field model 815 was made for Mongomery Ward by Mossberg. It is their model 321 single shot .22,if that will help you.
A Model 815 Remington .22 caliber made in the 1950s can be worth up to $275 or $300. If it is in poor condition, it may not be saleable.
Your Western Field model 815 was made for Montgomery Wards Company(Western Field)By the firm Mossberg and Sons.The Mossberg model 320 and your firearm are one and the same.This model of Mossberg was made from 1960-1980,and will range in price from 50-150 dollars depending on overall condition,and a good bore.
Your Western Field model 815 was made for Montgomery Wards Company(Western Field)By the firm Mossberg and Sons.The Mossberg model 320 and your firearm are one and the same.This model of Mossberg was made from 1960-1980,and will range in price from 50-150 dollars depending on overall condition,and a good bore.
DCCCXV = 815
815 = 815.0
1,5,163 and 815
% change= |815 - 925|/815 * 100%= 110/815 * 100%= 0.13496 * 100%= 13.5% (% increase)
the 815 is made by mossberg and sons for mongomery ward from 1960 to 1980 and used range in price of $50-$150 depending on condition and bore