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Total Power = Carrier Power * 5

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Total power is the summation of the carrier power and any additional sidebands or noise present in the signal. Therefore, the carrier power contributes to the total power but is not the sole component. The carrier power represents the power contained in the main signal frequency.

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Q: Relation between total power and carrier power?
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Differences between energy and power signals?

Energy signals have finite energy over time, meaning that the total energy is finite. Power signals have finite power over time, meaning that the average power is finite. Energy signals have zero power; power signals have infinite energy.

What is the relation ship between load displacement and deadweight?

Load displacement refers to the amount of weight a structure displaces when loaded, while deadweight is the weight of the structure itself. The relationship between load displacement and deadweight is that the deadweight of the structure contributes to the total load displacement when the structure is loaded. This means that the deadweight is one of the factors that determine the total load displacement of the structure.

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The total power dissipated in the resistors would be 250 mW, calculated by adding the power dissipated by each resistor in a series circuit.

What is the Difference between active and apparent power?

Active power is the real power consumed by an electrical device to perform work, measured in watts (W). Apparent power is the combination of active power and reactive power, measured in volt-amperes (VA). Apparent power represents the total power that is supplied to the system, while active power represents the actual power consumed by the system.

What is theDifference between power and intensity?

Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred, while intensity is the amount of power per unit area. In simpler terms, power is the total amount of energy used, while intensity is how concentrated that energy is in a given space.

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1. Single-sideband transmission requires only half as much bandwidth as double sideband.2. SSBSC require less total transmitted power than full carrier AMIn full carrier AM, the transmitted signal consists of two sidebands (containing the transmitted information) and the carrier signal. Long ago, it was realized that both sidebands contained the same information, and the carrier signal could be supplied by the receiver. Thus, if you suppress transmitting the carrier and one sideband, you can use the available power to increase the power in the remaining sideband.

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What is the difference between am and dsb-sc?

In normal a.m. the sum of the power in the two sidebands can't exceed half the power of the carrier. For example, a 100W carrier when 100% modulated will have 25W in each sideband. Since both sidebands have identical information, one of them can be considered redundant. So we are transmitting 150W and making use of only 25W. In suppressed carrier d.s.b. we can achieve better efficiency since, with high suppression, we have 50% of the total power in each sideband. So a 150W transmitter, at 100% modulation, will radiate 75W in each sideband.

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