Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching.
This is spotting, it's light bleeding that has mixed with your discharge. This can occur at the start of end of your period, or it may be spotting for another reason such as ovulation spotting.
if it is a creamy color coming from a radiator look in the oil by looking at the inside bottom of the cap,if it is creamy too,then you have a blown head gasket. that creamy color is water and oil mixed oil mixed in with the water, you got a blown gasket
I mixed flour, egg and water until it got smooth and creamy.
If you are experiencing any severe pain, nausea, dizziness you should seek medical help right away. On the other hand, I recently had a similar problem (spotting 13 days after my period) but with no symptoms. I went to my doctor and she recommended an ultra sound. My results showed that I had an ovarian cyst. Most ovarian cysts are harmless and will clear up within a few weeks. My advice: talk to your doctor.
The induction time is a period of time in which the freshly mixed material (paint) is allowed to stand before application
I would definitely say an Oreo shake. Creamy ice cream mixed with crunchy Oreo.... Mmmm. Great stuff.
you have a blown head gasket . you have ran the car way to hot , and now you have water mixed in with the oil....
You need to stop when it looks like the dry cake mix is mixed in all the way or stop when the cake mix is creamy.
light brown mixed with a creamy brown color