This rifle was made by Daisy air gun. (see the link below)
This air gun was made for Sears by Daisy air gun company. I suggest you contact Daisy Customer service at and see what they suggest.
Daisy started making air rifles in 1895
This gun was made by Daisy Air gun. It is a model 880. Daisy still is making a new version of this same model. I suggest you contact Daisy Customer Service at (800) 643-3458 for assistance, or go on-line and search for "Airgun Repair" and find a location near you that can repair the rifle. Daisy may also have a kit to rebuild it.
It is an 880 model. Seal kits are available from Daisy. see the link below
Get a manual from Daisy. Daisy Outdoor Products P.O. Box 220 Rogers, Arkansas 72757-0220 (800) 643-3458
Clarence Hamilton
If it's a recent Daisy or even some older Daisy's I would start with Daisy (See the link below) Daisy has some parts. OR: you can do a search on the web for "Air Gun Repair" and locate someone near you to repair the Daisy. OR: you can see the link below for a list of shops.
I suggest you go online and do a search for 'Air gun repair." and locate someone who fixed Daisy's.
I've gone through several air gun catalogues and have been unable to locate a Daisy model 170 bb gun that has ever been made. I did find a Daisy BB gun model 5170 and a BB rifle model 1170 along with a BB rifle model 107 but "NO" model 170. However I suggest you search the web for "Daisy Air gun Repair" or "Air gun repair" and locate someone near you who can help you.
Are you asking about a gun or a rifle. Which model are you asking about. Daisy had made over a 100 different BB guns and rifles
This model was made by Daisy Air gun it's a model 1894. I suggest you do a search on the web for air gun repair ( there are several people who repair airguns.) locate one who repairs Daisy and send it to them.