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1.) Marijuana doesn't have long lasting side effects like alcohol and other harder drugs, like liver or tooth damage. In fact, THC may kill off cancer cells, but nothing has been proven.

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Q: Reasons why marijuana should be legal?
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Why is beer legal?

um because it is delicious. haha. need anymore reasons. You should be asking why ISN'T beer legal for everyone, or why ISN'T marijuana legal

Why is marijuana should not be legal?


Why marijuana should not be legal?

I have not found any reasons why Marijuana should not be legalized. It does not do anything bad to the body, is not addictive, and does not need anything added to it in order to be able to use it. Marijuana has more medical purposes than any other thing on the earth.

Should marijuana be legal or illegal in the US?


Why should marijuana be illegal?

The question shouldn't be why should it be illegal, but should by why is it not legal?! Marijuana is safer than alcohol and caffeine! But to this day is still illegal. It has even been proven in scientific studies to be helpful to people with illness. It should not be illegal. If only the government would legalize it and tax it like they do cigarettes, the national debt would be minimized tremendously in a matter of 10 to 20 years. You should check out the AlterNet link listed below this answer for the top ten reasons why marijuana should be legal.

What drug is illegal but is legal?

marijuana it can be prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons...but is also illegal because it is used to get high

What are reasons why Marijuana should not be abused?

There are a lot of reasons that you should not use Marijuana. First it can make you loopy and you may hallucinate. The BIGGEST reason not to use it is that if the police catch you you can get in big trouble. but there are medical uses if they are prescribed to you.

Is marijuana legal in Lithuania?

Industrial marijuana is legal. Marijuana, that can be used for intoxication purposes, is illegal.

Is marijuana legal in curacao?

No. But it should be. Generally authorities are less punitive with tourists.

Is spice legal smoke in California?

Currently it should be, but marijuana is mostly legal there for medicinal purposes and is a bit safer.

Should marijuana be legal for medicine?

yes it should as long as you dont use it for other reasons such gettin high with it.Some people r stupid like that cuz they aint got notin else 2 do wit they life.

Is marijuana is legal in medical use?

Medical marijuana is legal with a prescription from your doctor.