They should not text at all but if you have a blue tooth head set or a built in phone on the car its easier to drive because you have both hands on the wheel.
It's something you should not do unless you want to get in an accident.
Over 2,600 die and 330,000 get injuried from using their cell phones while driving a year.
about 989,765.321,987,567,432,111,890,765,435,344,354,999 people
talk while driving, talk in public, talk loudly, silent
Somehow....I don't think many people will know THAT questions answer.
mobile phones
It isn't one person answering these questions, so there are doubtless a range of phones in use.
Well.. cell phones effect the lives of people in both negative and positive ways. Cell Phones are good for communication, whenever there might be an emergency. Well now that technology has increased so much now, well teens and other people are careless using it such as losing it in school, or driving while texting which is really hazardous. Many people use cell phones for games and just texting their friends that are right next to them, or checking what she or he posted on facebook and or how many people are following you on twitter. Not everyone is like that, its just that you decide the way you want to use cell phones and other sources of technology. I hope this helps? please write back if this has helped or not, and don't forget to ask any other questions that you are unsure about.
Well i think that there are no pros of using a cell phone while driving come on people why would you ask a thing like that are u nuts and the cons are that people can get distracted and get in a wreck.
Yes, there are people in Liberia with phones.