Let me tell you there are no pros of teenage pregnancy. All it took was one time to get me pregnant, and we used a condom. Just close your eyes for one minute and imagine being fourteen years old and hearing from your doctor that you're going to be a mom. Its absolute torture. When I told the father of my babies that I was pregnant the only thing he did was flip out on me, make me feel sorry for him, told me to go get an abortion, that I could go punch myself in the stomach, and his life would be over and he was gonna kill himself. I didn't want his help after all that, so I told him I got the abortion and it was all over. Once I got his obnoxious self outta the picture I found out I was having twins. A boy and a girl. Once I found out it was twins I felt like I did indeed need him in the picture. Nobody at fourteen is mature enough for one baby let alone two. But I was determined I could do it on my own. I had thought about abortion since he forced it onto me so bad but once I found out there was two in there, there was no way I could live the rest of my life without regret. I dropped outta high school and went into homeschooling it was nice because I got to finish my freshman year before the babies were due. I had thought for awhile giving them up for adoption but I wanted to raise them myself no matter how hard I knew it was gonna be. The babies were born in march and I went back too high school my sophmore year. Chloe&Connar<3 it was extremely hard for me to look at the the twins father in school and he had no idea. He was just living his life like he wanted to. Its harder to think that I kept the twins a secret from him for three years. I sent him a picture of his kids and along with the picture I typed him a message. He immediately called me and asked that he meet Connar and Chloe. He gets along really well with the twins and is upset that he missed the first 3 years of there lifes. But I do blame myself for most of it. Now we both share custody of the twins and he does pay for lots of their stufff. Connar and Chloe are two of the most amazing kids you will ever meet. I just wish I didn't bring them into this world so young. I would've loved Connar and Chloe to have come into my life about 20 years later when I was set and ready for them. Not when I was just a kid myself. There's no pros to becoming a teen mom.
Pros-no std's no pregnancy cons- encourages sexual activity
what were the pros and cons for the nulification
pros an cons of the Oregon trail
pros are + and cons are-
pros: goodness cons: badness
PROS CONS ----------------------------------------------------- Pros: Entertaining Cons: Mental conditions can be caused, Adicition, Expensive.
Cons? What Cons?
What are the pros and cons of transformational leadership?
what are the pros and cons of being an architect
pros= nothing cons=everything
pros and cons about mercantilist and physiocrats
Usually there are no pros or cons.