The pro end of having a main drain is that you spend less time vacuuming the pool. By turning on the main drain only this will help clean the bottom of the pool and results in less overall maintenance time. Also helps clean up any chemical (chlorine, alkaline, shock, etc)that may not have completely dissolved when added to the pool. Also, when winterizing the pool, by having the main drain, you can lower the water level in the pool and still run a recirculating pattern on the filter without destrying the motor. same for opening the pool, can run the pool on main drain cleaning up the winter debris before the pool is completely full.
Good and Bad of Saltwater Pools! Good - Water is "softer" with less chemical smell! Bad - Bacteria lives much longer because the "chlorine" generated is weaker than chlorine itself. System is very weather dependent and can't handle high bather loads. UV systems like the provide a greater range of bacteria and algae destruction and provide a drastic reduction in chemical exposure. Jon Laliberte Haclyon Technologies, LLC
Salt water feels better to swim in especially if the salt is made up of magnesium chloride and potassium chloride which is a new approach however the same applies to the pools that use the traditional sodium chloride. If they are setup properly there is no need to handle and or store chlorine as the system produces it automatically. Modern salt water systems are far easier to take care of.
Some of the pros of using a pool cover include that it will help keep the temperature of the water warmer and keep the water cleaner. It can also deter unwanted visitors. The main con of using one would be having to remove it every time you'd like to get in the pool.
a con is con :) be happy
One pro of cyber school is a child can learn at their own pace. A con of cyber school is that the child does not get needed social interaction.
the pros are the type of smell it is and the con is the color of wat it is
No, pro is positive and con is negative.
Well, hello there! "Pros" is short for "prospects" or "provisions," referring to the positive aspects of something. And "cons" is short for "considerations" or "constraints," pointing to the negative aspects or drawbacks. It's all about balancing the good and the not-so-good to make informed decisions and appreciate the beauty in every situation.
No it's a noun.
Pro's: Good money, being popular, having tons of ADORING fans, and on top of it all doing something that you love (it you like singing, that is) Con's: Paparazzi, not having "alone time," having tons of vicious rumors spread about you. ANOTHER CON: You cannot pee in public restrooms. Yup.
The pros of the iPod Touch is that it is new and exciting. The con is that is pretty expensive.
Pro: It helps save the earth Con: It is expensive Pro: It ends up paying for itself Con: hard to be one if you are in an older school Pro: It is a good learning environment
pros and cons is the correct noun
A Pro of having a reservoir is that it gives nearby towns and villages water, a con to a reservoir is that You have to flood the animals habitats that lived on the land.