Processors contain a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU).
A CPU contains a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit
Central Processing Unit Graphics Processing Unit
smart phone
Word processors contain most common proper nouns. But it may not include unusual proper nouns.
Every modern car has micro-processors to control the engine and others for systems.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the component that performs the mathematical functions that enable a computer to run and function. Additional processors can be used for supporting the CPU or performing specialized tasks, example of these are Graphics Processing Units (GPU) or Co-Processors. Also many computers and computing devices contain specialized processors for certain tasks such as audio chip-sets, networking processors or device controllers specialized
alu is arithematic logic unit. it is a part of computer system. it performs arithematic operations like +,-,*,/etc.alu is arithematic logic unit. it is a part of computer system. it performs arithematic operations like +,-,*,/etc.
central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU)
what is a unit dose label contain
MIPS:- Million Instruction per Second.
control unit