i have a single barreal shot gun with the serial number s 3641 can you tell me what year this is and what it's worth
@ turn of the century
Hopkins and Allen took over the Forehand name in 1903 and continued until 1915.
1890-1930 or so
i also own a Hopkins & Allen single shot break open shotgun with "Forehand" inscribed on its side and i recently learned from another forum that Forehand was another gun manufacturing company that was taken over by Hopkins and Allen from 1901-1902. Hopkins and Allen continued to put Forehand on their models until 1903. therefore the gun you own is dated somewhere between 1901-1903.
The other way around I believe. Hopkins and Allen bought Forehand in 1903 and continued producing Forehand guns for a few years.
Sorry, that is a serial number, not a model number. Forehand & Wadsworth was acquired by Hopkins & Allen in 1902. Due to a number of problems, the H&A company closed for good in 1917. Your shotgun is likely from the time between those two dates.
Hopkins and Allen purchased Forehand Arms in 1902, so sometime between then and 1915 when the company closed.
Forehand Arms Co was absorbed by Hopkins & Allen c.1902, and for a couple of years H&A produced shotguns with the Forehand name. By the start of WW1 H&A was attempting to fill military contracts with the Belgian government which drove them into bankruptcy, with Marlin absorbing the remnants in 1921. Value is going to be uniformly low, under $100.
The Hopkins and Allen company was founded in 1868 then merged with the Forehand Arms Co in 1901. Out of business by 1917.
Forehand and Wadsworth was established in 1871 and in 1890 the name was changed to Forehand Arms Company. In 1902 Forehand was taken over by Hopkins & Allen who continued to manufacture many of the same models, changing only the markings. Hopkins & Allen went out of business in 1916. It is not likely that the exact date of your firearm can be established- sorry.
You just read it.
Made 1870-1890 or so