Could be up to 500$ Ex:
Around the 500nzd mark
The exact value of a 410 gauge side by side made by Zaballa Hnssbrg Eibar actually depends on a number of things. A couple of these things would be the age and condition of the firearm.
René Mugica died on 1998-05-03.
René Mugica was born on 1909-08-08.
Adolfo Mugica has written: 'Urquiza' -- subject(s): History
The population of Eibar is 27,378.
SD Eibar was created in 1940.
Apache was the trade name of Ojanguren y Vidosa, Eibar, Spain. Modest quality and price. Depending on condition, $50-150.
Eibar Coa was born on 1971-02-15.
SD Eibar B was created in 1994.
SD Eibar - women - was created in 1991.
There was no Crescent Firearms Co after 1935 when the company was purchased by Savage/Stevens.