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100-300 USD depending on condition

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Q: Price for a used Taurus 92 9mm pistol?
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Can you shoot 9MM luger in a 9mm pistol?

probably If the pistol is designed for 9mm Luger, 9mm Para, or 9x19, yes.

What type of firemarm is most used in shootings?

9mm pistol

Which weapon is louder a flintlock pistol or a 9mm pistol?

The 9mm pistol would have the higher decibel rating.

What is the price of a Steyr model GB 9mm pistol?

100-450 or more depending on specifics

What is the fair asking price for a Taurus Millennium Pro PT111 9mm handgun?

100-450 or so

What pistol is currently used in the navy?

The M-9 9mm Handgun.

Has any one had an issue with the Taurus PT92 9mm Large Frame Pistol like feeding ammo or even high price?

All weapons will exhibit an affinity for one or more types of ammuntion. You have to experiment with as many different types as you can.

What is a good price for a Ruger -P85 9mm 2clip pistol ---New in factory case?

250 USD

What is the value of a 9MM Taurus hand gun?

Taurus made several 9mm handguns. Which model did you have in mind?

What is the length of the beretta 9mm pistol?

Beretta made a LOT of different 9mm pistols. However, if you are asking about the M9 pistol used by the US Army, it is about 8.5 inches long.

Is a 9mm tourus pistol the fastest pistol in the world?


What is 9mm pistol SD?

Most likely a 9mm with a suppressor