I have seen these guns for sale from $475 up to $750 u.s. dollars. I own one and found it to shoot well with ball ammo.
50-350 usd
None that I ever heard of. Volunteer arms made only sheet metal firearms that looked similar to the old Thompson submachine gun. They were of much lower quality than that of the auto-ordinance and kahr versions, but sold much cheaper. They made a Mark III, Mark V, Mark 9 (9mm), and a Mark 45. Most guns were reasonable reliable with ball and lead round nose, but most balked at hollow points. A few police departments picked up the Commando, when the 1968 GCA made it hard to get full auto weapons. I don't know if any of the models could be altered to fire full auto or not but doubt it would be easy.
45 ACP. Semiautomatic. @6lbs
You can put the stress mark on the second syllable of the word "volunteer," so it is pronounced as vol-un-TEER.
my reference for the commando model shows SN 1 thru 50617 made between 1942 and 1943.
The Revolutionary War is where they made there mark and earned their nickname. Men from Tennessee have seen voluntary service and paid the price in every US conflict.
100-500 usd
Mark Price was born on February 15, 1964.
Mark Price was born on February 15, 1964.
Mark Price - musician - was born in 1959.
The cast of The Heart of a Volunteer - 2011 includes: Mark Benton as himself Mike Grimmer as Narrator