Go to this site if you are curious on how this game works or if you would like to know more; www.DanBallForums.Proboards59.com
If you mean the dan-ball game you can't !!!!!!!!!!!!
It resets every 12 hours.
Hit the save data(more works) link at the bottom of the game.
Hit the save data(more works) link at the bottom of the game.
If you want to find out how to save it you nedd to speak to the inventor of powder game who is called Dan Ball. His son goes to R.G.S. danielball@powdergame.co.uk
look it up on google or ask.com or cheatcodes.com!
it could be that you don't have the software that you need to play it or your computer is not compatible with it
no average person knows....but ha55ii knows because he was the creator of Dan-Ball.
Click "Player" then click "Player" again.
When you change pen size, the boxes will get bigger or smaller. Balls do not work for this.