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In people who were followed for two or more years, 83 percent gained back more weight than they had lost.

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Q: Percent of people who regain lost weight after diet?
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What percent of American dieters regain their lost weight within two years of a major diet?

75 %

What percent of all dieters who lose weight can expect to regain all of the weight they lost within 1 to 3 years of completing the diet?

75% to 90%

What percentage of all dieters who lose weight can expect to regain all of the weight they lost within one to three years of completing the diet?

95 percent of people gain back the weight within one year.

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HCG diet drops are used in conjunction with a starvation diet plan in order to lose weight. Unfortunately this plan is very ineffective and nearly all people who use it regain weight very quickly.

What percentage of all dieters who lose weight regain all of the weight they lost within one to three years of completing the diet?

By some estimates, more than 80 percent of people who have lost weight regain all of it, or more, after two years. Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles analyzed 31 long-term diet studies and found that about two-thirds of dieters regained more weight within four or five years than they initially lost.

What is the repeated pattern of loss and regain of body weight?

A yo yo diet.

Do low carb diets work to help people lose weight?

If you need to take weight off immediately and do not care if the weight comes back on if you make a mistake, than this sort of diet is perfect. People quickly lose weight, but with regain that weight if they start to eat carbohydrates again.

If a person uses surgery to lose weight, does that mean that they are more likely to regain the weight than a person that loses weight by changing their diet and exercise?

Whether a person regains weight lost through surgery depends on a number of factors, but if there is no significant change in diet and exercise habits then, yes, over time the person is much more likely to regain the weight they had lost.

What are the benefits of diet smart?

The diet smart program is intended to be a diet aid for any amount of weight people need to use. With any diet program nothing is 100 percent affective but this diet if used correctly with exercise is very good.

Why do people diet?

The Cause of dieting is when you think you are over weight and you will go on a diet to loose weight. Hope this helps. Alexa:)

How do patients fare following gastric bypass surgery?

patients often regain some of the lost weight. But few patients regain it all. Of course, diet and activity level after surgery also play a role in how much weight a patient may ultimately lose.

What fast diet can I go on to lose a lot of weight really quick?

The best way to go on a successful diet is by using Weight Watchers Online. Many diets do not work because of rebound. They may become depressed and starved, and after the diet is done, it is very easy to regain the weight you had lost. Weight Watchers will track you progress and teach you good, healthy yet satisfying diet. It is the most recommended for weight loss !