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Numrich Arms in West Hurley New York.

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Q: Parts for sears model 5m 22 magnum lever action rifle?
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Did Winchester make a 22 magnum in lever action?

yes.The Winchester model 9422M was chambered in .22WMR.

Can you shoot .38 caliber ammo in a 357 magnum Model 94 lever action rifle?


What is the value of a Sears model number 273.2351 22 magnum lever action rifle?

100 US dollars

Did marlin make a 41 magnum lever action rifle?

Yes the Marlin Model 1894FG is chambered in .41 mag.

How old is the Marlin 59A 22 magnum lever action?

No such model. Exactly how is the rifle marked? Marlin has a Model 39A in 22 L.R. I would love it if they made one in magnum.

What is the value of a 22 magnum saddle gun lever action?

To get a value estimate you need to state the Age, Model, Manufacture and Condition of the rifle.

When was Winchester model 9422 STR Magnum serial F412182 made?

With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 9422 lever action rifle was made in the year 1980.

How long are the barrels on Winchester Model 22 XTR 9422 magnum lever action rifles?

Winchester mod 9422 XTR = 50 cm.

What is the value of a marlin 44 magnum lever action rifle?

Can't give a very specific answer without make, model, distinguishing features, etc.

What is a Winchester 30 Cal Lever Action rifle Model?

Your model number should be posted on the rifle.If it has worn off do to age and handling then you have 4 choices.First if it is marked 30US.then you have a Model 1895 lever action rifle.Second if it is marked 30WCF,then you have a early model 1894 lever action rifle,or a model 55 lever action rifle.Last you could have a model 64 lever action rifle in 30-30 Win.

Where can you get parts for a Westernfield model 865 Lever action 22 S-L-LR?
