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Try egunparts, Brownell's, MidWay USA, Shotgun News, gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, want ads, for sale ads, on line auctions, estate sales, garage sales.

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Q: Parts for a 410 and 22 over and under gun?
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Parts for 410 22 over and under?, want ad, for sale ad, gun shop, gun show, pawn shop

Where can you get parts for a 410 Stevens Model 39A?

Numrich Gun Parts

Where can you find a bolt for a Savage Arms 18c 410 shotgun?

I would start my search at numrich gun parts corp.they may be found on the web.I would also check under gun parts.

Where can you buy parts for a 410 western auto revelation 410 pump?

Check with Numrich gun parts corp.they should be able to help.

Where can you get parts for your Stevens model 67 series e 410 shotgun?

Buy parts for 410 Stevens model 67 pump shot gun.

Can you get parts for a 913810 410 shot gun?

You first have to identify the gun. "913810" doesn't mean anything. Take it to a gunsmith or a gun show to get it identified then try for parts.

What is the value of Savage Model 242c 410 over under shotgun?

I paid almost $400 for a nice one at a gun auction

Where can you get parts for a Stevens model 940B 410 shotgun?

would try numrich gun parts corp. and also try E-gun

What was the gun chambered for 22 cal shot shells and smooth bored to approx 410 ga?

If you are referring to the over and under gun that has a .22 caliber rifle on top, and the .410 gauge shotgun on the bottom, it's a Model 24; the one I have is made by Stevens.

Where might you find parts for a Winchester-Western Cooey Model 84 410 shotgun?

Numrich gun parts

Does Browning have a 410 over under shot gun with engravings?

Yes, in both the Superposed and the Citori. They can range in value just moderatly expensive to scarry.

How can you get a buttplate for your Iver Johnson Champion 410 shotgun?

Start with Gun Parts Corp and then start looking hard. Old gun parts are getting hard to find.