well poo
Not at all
According to every dictionary I consulted, lowfat is not one word. It's a compound adjective that takes a hyphen (-). Low-fat diet, low-fat cheese, low-fat milk, etc.
If we're talking about the American diet, then it's Calcium.
Iron and calcium.
If the diet is deficient then eating more protein can help. In the US the problem is usually not the diet so supplements generally do not help much. In that case you the treatment is to figure out why the protein levels and low and treat the underlying condition.
One or more essential nutrients.
Type A blood is rare, they do require a special diet. A vegetarian diet is desirable. Berries and plums are good, Whole grains, and lowfat milk products are also good.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Try to go on a lowfat diet of your own. But remember...don't overexercise or undereat!
A diet that consists only of fruits and vegetables is likely to be deficient in protein, and in calcium and vitamin D, and will almost certainly be deficient in vitamin B12, which will lead to anemia. It is possible to survive on such a diet, but it is much easier to do so with the help of carefully chosen nutritional supplements.
It's Phosphorus I actually believe the answer is sodium. The American diet is very high in sodium.
Altering your diet to lowfat foods and aerobic exercise is the only proven safe way to reduce fat. Crunches and strenghth training will also contribute if done is association with the change in diet and other exercise.