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Sexual orientation, including being a lesbian, is a fundamental aspect of a person's identity that typically remains consistent throughout their life. While individual experiences may vary, it is common for individuals who identify as lesbian to continue to do so in their later years. Age does not change one's sexual orientation, as it is based on emotional, romantic, and sexual attractions to others.

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2w ago
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10mo ago

Sexual orientation does not change with age. If you identify as lesbian now, you would still be lesbian in your eighties. Your sexual orientation is a core part of who you are and remains constant throughout your life.

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13y ago

That depends on the person. Some people choose it as a fling and then move on, some people change their mind and choose a more socially appropriate mate, some people don't. From my experience girls who start out liking women will keep liking women but that's just an observation from someone who's first crush and every significant other thereafter was also a woman.

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Q: Once your lesbian will you still be lesbian when your in you eighties?
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I think it's the "Greedy Eighties"

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Gay is usually for guys and lesbian is girls well that's how it seems. You can still call a girl gay but calling a guy lesbian would be weird.

How do you tell your best friend no when she ask you out but the thing is your not a lesbian but she is?

Talk to her alone and explain to her that being a lesbian is not your style but you still want 2 be her friend