Santa Claus is often called Papa Noel in South America.
it is called: PAPÁ NOEL
Papai Noel
Papai Noel is how Santa Claus is called in Brazil.
In colombia, Santa Claus is called "Papa Noel". He is also called "Papa Noel" in most other spanish speaking countries aswell as they all speak spanish.
"Papai Noel" is how you say "Santa Claus" in Brazilian Portuguese.
Santa Claus is called a variety of things like here in the states. Papa Noel, San Nicolas, Santa Claus......
They call Santa Claus in Peru as Papai Noel
It´s called Papai Noel
Papai Noel. (by the way, "papai" means "daddy").
The country that refers to Santa Claus as "Papa Noel" is Mexico, which is located in North America. The term "Papa Noel" translates to "Father Christmas" in English.
The country in which Santa Claus is called Sinterklaas is the Netherlands. In France Santa is called Pere Noel and in Brazil he is called Papai Noel.