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That's because the skull sceptre is such a special item (you can teleport to Barbarian Village from anywhere). Jagex wants to make it hard to get it so you really EARN it.

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Q: On Runescape why do you have to kill tons of flesh crawlers to get the bottom of the sceptre?
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Where can you find a top of sceptre?

The pieces of the skull sceptre are Left skull half, Top of sceptre, Bottom of sceptre, and Right skull half. Ankous, Catablepons, Flesh crawlers, and Minotaurs drop the pieces.

How do you get the sceptre?

To get a Sceptre you must kill monsters in the Security Stronghold. The pieces of the skull sceptre are Left skull half, Top of sceptre, Bottom of sceptre, and Right skull half. Ankous, Catablepons, Flesh crawlers, and Minotaurs drop the pieces. Combine the Top and Bottom together, Combine the left and right, than combine the two pieces.

Where can you get the half skull on RuneScape?

The entrance to the dungeon is located in the center of Barbarian Village, near the mine. On Floor 1 you need to kill Minotaurs to get the Right Skull Half. On Floor 2 you need to kill Flesh Crawlers to get the Bottom of Sceptre. On Floor 3 you need to kill Catablepons to get the Top of Sceptre. On Floor 4 you need to kill Ankous to get the Left Skull Half. Use the two skull halves together to get a Strange Skull. Use the two sceptre pieces together to get a Ruined Sceptre. Use the Strange Skull with the Ruined Sceptre to get a Skull Sceptre.

How do you get the runed sceptre in runescape?

Go to the Strongold of Security (underneath the Barbarian village). You will appear in the first of 4 floors. On floor 1, kill Minotuars until you get a skull right half. Then, proceed to the 2nd floor. Kill Flesh Crawlers until you get the bottom sceptre. Next, go to the 3rd floor and kill Catablepons until you get the Top Sceptre. Lastly, go to the 4th floor and kill Ankous until you get the Skull Left half. To build the Skull Sceptre, use the skull halves on each other, the sceptre parts on eachother. Then atatch the sceptre to the skull.

In Runescape what NPC should a combat lvl 38 train melee on?

flesh crawlers

Where are flesh crawlers in runescape?

Flesh crawlers are medium level monsters found on level 2 of the Stronghold of Security. They are considered good training for players with combat levels of 35-60+.

Where is a good place to train on Runescape?

If you are a pure go to rock crabs or flesh crawlers flesh crawlers is good for money pick up the ranarrs and diamonds you can allso get tooth half of key.

Where do you get the bottom scepter in rune scape?

The bottom of the spectre is in the Stronghold of Secutiry, on the second floor, carried by flesh crawlers.

Where can you find the sceptre pieces on runescape?

The Skull Sceptre can be obtained in four pieces from monster drops. It is inferior in combat stats to a magic staff, but has five charges to teleport back to the Barbarian Village. Only one kind of piece can be found in one level. They are a fairly rare drop, and can be obtained from Minotaurs (Right skull half) on the first level, Flesh crawlers (Bottom of Sceptre) on the second, Catablepons (Top of sceptre) on the third, and Ankous (Left skull half) on the fourth. Some monsters that drop the pieces come in various levels. The higher levelled ones seem to drop the piece more frequently, although this is not proven. To make it, you add the two skull pieces together, the two handle pieces together, and the handle and the skull together. And Here are the levels of the monsters: Catablepon -68 Ankou -75,82,86 Minotaurs - 12, 27 Flesh Crawlers - 28 - 35- 41 Be Safe getting the pieces!

What should a level 57 train on?

I sugest you train on flesh crawlers. The are level 35 in level to of stronghold and they give the fastest xp on runescape f2p im pretty sure.

What should a level 61 nonmember with 50 attack 50 defence and 54 strength train on in runescape?

Ok, you have 2 options here. Either the lesser demons on Karamja, or the flesh crawlers in the Stronghold of Security.

How do you find all pieces for the skull sceptre on runescape?

Catableon: level 49-68 drops top of sceptre ok first go down into the stronghold of security dungeon from barbarian village the following monsters inside drop the sceptre parts: minotaur: level 12-24 drops right skull half flesh crawler: level 28-42 drops bottom of sceptre Ankou: level 75-86 drops left skull half Bring your best melee gear and lots of good food: lobster, swordfish, anchovy pizza or better also bring teleport runes for emergency if you run out of food and life points now if you are a low level combat then you won't be able to get the sceptre that easily the level 86 ankous can be safe spotted in a room near the treasure room so you can get the sceptre as well. Once you have all 4 parts use the top on the bottom and the right half on left half to make strange skull and runes sceptre then use runed sceptre on strange skull to make skull sceptre.