She is probably shy, and needs a friend to not make it awkward. Friends are always there to start conversations and make it less uncomfortable. I would suggest to bring a friend along to make it more comfortable for her and her friend so she doesn't seem like the third wheel.
Ok sorry forget that, i thought i was answering another question.
Ok sorry forget that, i thought i was answering another question.
yes but we dont know yet ok if you know any contest let me know by answering below me. thanks
In Maori, you can say "Ka pai, mihi" which translates to "Okay, thanks."
ok thanks
No, it is an adverb.
It is ok thats what facebook is there for.
thats your opion
it is 07649765564 i really thats for level 66 ok have fun ! and for level the end id 87456859687478906 thats for level 99 ok
ok thanks
yes ok thanks
He is ok. Thanks for asking. I will tell him you are thinking about him.