that is totally up to you 100 percent. they will earn their nickname by experience. don't look for 1 just wait you'll find 1.
Bernard Fanning goes by Bern, Bernie, and BF.
Jo, Joey Jo' Jojo, J?
If he has never called you he is not your BF. A BF is someone with whom you are having a long term realtionship with.
tell him call of duty is a crappy game
Sadly, if your sad and need to have "bf"'s as you call them then you just need to make an ad and show the world...
If a BF is mad and he doesn't call past a week, it could mean the relationship is over. Even if it is not, a person does not deserve to be disrespected like that and should move on.
Australians nicknames - Aussie
Mine calls me 'pretties'
they call them nutmeggers that's why one of its nicknames is the nutmeg state
Call or go to your local immigration and ask if they deported your BF. You can also go to the Philippine Consulate in your area. They handle the case of Filipinos being deported. Or simply try to call your BF and ask him where in the world he's at.