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I don't already know if you have your answer by now Also, i hope it may help other people. False negatives are very common, especially if the test is taken too early. ALso, you can bleed while pregnant and i be completely normal actually most bleeding during pregnancy is normal. Normally this bleeding is caused by the change in hormone levels which are all over the place during pregnancy but especially around the time your are to actually receive your monthly. And as for the reddybrown color, that is normally the color tht the hormal bleeding is. Sometimes even lighter than that. Although the smell thing is a little wierd normally i have heard of the smell getting worse but idk maybe. I don't know if you already have the answers to these ?s but i hope this helps someone else anyways!

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Q: Negative pregnancy test and bleeding but pregnancy symptoms?
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Bleeding, stomach pain, and back pain are not pregnancy symptoms. Your pregnancy test is negative and you are using effective birth control. Please see your health care provider to find out why you're having pain.

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Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period

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See your Doctor for a Quantitative beta HCG pregnancy blood test. You will need to ask specifically for this blood test.

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Most pregnancy tests are 99%

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You may be pregnant but took the test too early or its a false negative. A blood type is most accurate.

Can i take a pregnancy test while I'm bleeding?

no it can give you a negative result. best to wait til your not bleeding anymore.

Is it possible to be pregnant but still have bleeding and negative test results?

I wouldn't think so.If your bleeding and the test shows negative then you shouldn't be pregnant,but sometimes the test doesnt show up until your second month of pregnancy and you can still bleed a little.or if your upset about something sometimes it will tricks on your body

What if my pregnancy test was negative but I have pregnancy symptoms?

Wait a few days and take another test. It's possible you got a false negative, or you just don't have enough of the pregnancy hormone in your urine to show up positive. The hormone doubles each day, so if you are still experiencing pregnancy symptoms in 5-10 days, take another test. If it's still negative and you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms, seek medical advice.

Are you pregnant if you had little to no bleeding and had a 1 positive pregnancy test and 2 negative pregnancy test?

It is rare that you will get a false positive. Make sure you are reading the directions correctly on the box for each pregnancy test you take. They need to be on a flat, dry surface and left alone until the time limit in the directions. If you had some bleeding/spotting this could be implantation bleeding which is common in your first symptoms of pregnancy. I only tested positive on a Clearblue pregnancy test. No other test would give me a positive. So it could also be the brand you are using. I wouldn't recommend dollar store pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests aren't cheap, but you get what you pay for.

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You might be pregnant but still be bleeding if so take a test or go for a blood test x

What do i do I am 20 days late on periods and no symptoms of pregnancy and negative pregnancy test?

Go and see a doctor!! Obvious...

Is it normal to feel pregnancy symptoms and fetal movement but have negative home pregnancy test while having the IUD?

If you are feeling movement in your belly, it is much more likely to be gas. You would not have a negative pregnancy test at the point in a pregnancy when you'd feel fetal movement. You should look for another explanation for your "pregnancy symptoms."