Just be her friend. If you really care about her, you'll do anything to be with her.
You wont need much help. All you need if you really like this girl, is your heart and that will tell you what to do. Find out her interests. But dont ask her where she would like to go to eat, find out what she likes and then surprise her. Good luck sweet, xcookiebrownx
Talk to her everday, do favours for her, become her favourite and most trusted person to talk to and go to when they need help
be honest but dont freak her out just ask her and dont be afraid 2 get rejected
you need to tell her your feelings
if ur in school talk bout how u really hate a teacher or prof.
We need more information to be able to help you out.
I really need this answer can someone help like now?
lick her crotch
You start by asking her favors like Do you need help It will make the girl realize that you like her If she likes you she will start flirting with you
I advise that you tell her that you like her and observe how she reacts.
Just start talking to her as friends, and as you get to know her better. Give subtle hints that you like her, and go from there.