Your rifle is a Marlin Model 70. Most gun shops can get a magazine for you- the same magazine is used for several Marlin 22s. You can also order one for $18.60 plus shipping from the website for gunpartscorp. It is Product No. 438340A.
Stevens model 62 savage arms 22 caliber/30 round clip
You can buy parts for the 44us series at Havlin Sales
50-100 USD
Yes I need a clip for this model. Please contact me with price
need a clip for my gun
MODEL 58321
The Model 77 Winchester will fire either long or long rifle cartridges. It is not chambered to fire short .22s cartridges.
2-20 usd
What I need is a 5 bullet 22 clip for a savage steven model 62
I have a 12 gauge savage 180-D shotgun but it has no clip, and I can't find much about this gun. If anybody could tell me how or where to get a clip, it would greatly help.
have good 16ga no clip shoots good model 228