

Best Answer

Not. They are dangerous. They can easily get infected.

Don't base your decision on one random answer. Properly provided and cared for navel piercings are just fine. Once healed you have hundreds of navel gem and navel jewellery variations to choose from. Be smart, buy only from well respected vendors. Have your piercing done by a licensed professional body piercer and follow the aftercare instructions, should you have and issue see your piercer for assistance. Navels are hot!

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Q: Navel piercings hot or not
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About navel surface piercings?


Does walmart do navel piercings for free?

They don't do them at all

Do navel piercings hurt more before or after?

The only time navel piercings really hurt is when you have the needle going through you. After that unless you bump it on things or it gets infected, it shouldn't hurt.

What piercings can I get which aren't obvious?

navel, nipple, genital, and surface piercings that are on the back, abdomen, hips, thighs, etc

Are navel piercings unhealthy?

no, its not like its gonna go into your blood or something.

What is the most popular piercing for women?

The most popular piercing for females is either lobe piercings or, in recent times, navel piercings.

What is the age limit for navel piercings in Chicago?

Parents permission is needed or you have to be 18.

Do lip piercing become infected easily?

Actually, no. Oral piercings are among the piercings that rarely get infected; that is, if they are taken care of properly. The piercings that are the most prone to infection are the navel and ear cartilage piercings.

What type of forceps should you use to pierce a navel?

If you have to ask this question then you shouldn't be piercing yourself. Save up and just go to a professional. Navel piercings are surface piercings and they need special care to avoid rejection.

How many piercings does Britney Spears have and where?

Britney Spears has three ear piercings on her right ear, 1-2 ear piercings on her left ear, and one navel piercing.

When you get your belly button periced do they num it?

Nope. Navel piercings are pretty painless though.

Is male navel piercing gay?

There are no gay,not gay piercings contrary to popular opinion.