There are no safe, trustworthy and legal ways to do this without a doctors supervision. If you don't have a safe abortion provider where you are you can see one online at womenonweb. They send you the medicine and also do follow up.
Yes you can.
No, it only works to prevent pregnancy.
Jump off a ladder
There are pills to abort pregnancy after you have missed the period for 2 to 3 weeks. Any way consult your Gaenacologist for expert advice.
before you ask a question do spell chech Medicine hahaha Dumb A$$
There are no sure, safe home remedies and attempting abortion without a doctor's supervision is also illegal.
There are a few states that will abort a 3 month old fetus. You will need to call your local abortion clinic for locations.
No. There are women who jog when pregnant. It is safe.
i have no menus from three month but i check urine pregnancy but negate
No it can not. And Coke can not be used in any way medically.
The angel told Mary that Elizabeth was in the sixth month of her pregnancy.