I'll tell you tommorow.
"Narrative" is just a fancy way of saying "story."
I think the best way is to just tell them, because they might fancy you back and usually, people like to hear someone likes them
Formicidae is their Latin name.
you pretend to hate them when you actually fancy them, that makes them think that you really hate them and you tell your friends you fancy them and they spread it. CRINGE. Boys Well They go ahead and ask them out girls are much more careful.
try looking up the Jules Verne Restaurant that is the name of the restaurant on top of the Eiffel tower.
in cursive so the guy thinks you are fancy
Oh, dude, the vegetable with the longest name is the "Brassica oleracea var. Sabellica." Yeah, it's like a fancy way of saying kale. So next time you're at a restaurant, just casually drop that name and watch everyone's eyebrows raise in confusion. You're welcome.
i no how u feel just tell her and if she reacts in a wired way just egnore her
It is called "Wendel Clark's" and is at Interchange Way in Vaughan.
Well you should just sit down with him/her or do something and tell him/her. Or I think the easier way how to do it if your shy of him/her just write him/her a note telling him/her. Just ask him/her OUT!
It was termed "Missionary Diplomacy". Fancy name to outright interventionism, by the way.