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flashlight, phone, first aid kit, spare tire, blanket, flares, and jumper cables

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Q: Name Something handy in your car in case of emergency?
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magnify glass
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What are the uses of a wind up radio?

A wind up radio is a great device if you need a radio and have no electricity or batteries. These come in handy if there is a storm and you lose power or in case of emergency.

How gadgets like cellphones help people for emergency?

If you are in a emergency it is always handy to have a cell phone. They always help if you are in trouble like a fire or need 911 or just even a tow truck. You can always contact who you need (if you know their number and you are in service area) You can be in a life or death situation and need help. It is also very handy to keep a charger for your phone in your car or truck so if you are in a situation you can call someone without your phone being dead. It is also very handy to put a case on your phone in case you drop it while driving (even though you shouldn't be touching while driving) and you might step on it. In that case your phone screen might be broken and you may not be able to use it to call if you are actually in a emergency.

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Why should kids have phones on school?

Certainly not during class where it serves as more of a distraction. Otherwise, it is a handy way for students to contact their parents in emergency situations.

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If you are looking for the name of it, it is referred to as a "sump."

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Can you call 911 for a pet in case of an emergency?

Yes, you can call 911 for a pet in case of an emergency.

Can you call 911 for animals in case of an emergency?

Yes, you can call 911 for animals in case of an emergency.

Can you call 911 for pets in case of an emergency?

Yes, you can call 911 for pets in case of an emergency.

Can you call an ambulance for a dog in case of an emergency?

Yes, you can call an ambulance for a dog in case of an emergency.

Why would students need cell phones in school?

We need them in case something happens and we dont get the chance to get the teacher or to get to the office in time.To dial 911 in case of emergency.