Hm, i suspect your question is, does he care more bout Basketball then he does bout you? well, if you want my opinion. here it is: men are very passionate about their sports and we all know that, but they should be even more passionate about US, and they are if they really love us..Now, if your man actually ditches you to go off playing WITHOUT asking you or at least telling you.. then something is wrong in how much he cares. So, its either he doesnt care, or he thinks its normal and thinks you will always be there anayway. Now what you gotta do is, make it clear, that you dont like it, and possibly suggest him playing at times when you are not available. My man for example, plays at night when i am long asleep, or during PE class but only if he is sure i am ok with it. So its two possibilities, he either doesnt notice or he doesnt care. If its first then let him know gently, if its the second, then suggest he makes a choice and makes up his mind.
does it mean he is loving you less when only he is busy?
Tell him to make some time for u
If your boyfriend is always busy, at least give it an attempt to try to hang-out/spend time together that way if an argument starts about it he can't say "well you didn't try." If you can never see him, then why go out?
If your boyfriend starts to stop showing affection towards you and is always busy and going out instead of being with you. These are signs of your boyfriend cheating on you.
No it means they are busy.
She could have a boyfriend and is busy with him. The best thing to do is simply ask her.
That she isn't ready to have a boyfriend yet or she is to busy for a boyfriend.
yes he is always busy
No.....because she was to busy
maybe she always says that she's busy and doesn't answer the phone then usually or go outside at night
Yes he was always always busy he never stoped.