To remove silly putty from carpet, you can place ice in a plastic bag on top of the silly putty to harden it. Then, carefully scrape off the hardened putty with a dull knife or spoon. Any residue can be treated with a mixture of dish soap and warm water, followed by blotting with a clean cloth.
I do not think so. i dont know but why would you want to ITS AWESOME! that was my answer. noone actually knows if silly putty is recyclable, because noone has ever tried cuz it's too awesome
clean it silly! lol clean it silly! lol
Put it under hot water and use a fingernail bristle brush with soap and it should come right off with a little scrubbing. I got it off of my I Heart Boobies Bracelet its rubber so it should come right off.P.S. don't leave silly putty sitting around on the table. :-)
You can use silicone as a substitute, but plumbers putty is simpler and far easier to clean up. 100% SILICONE
dust it silly
Just wondering..... what is "it"?
This is a very complicated answer and you may need to read it over a few times. Try to follow this. You remove it. And then it is clean. Good Luck! If you need following info please call: 1-925-389-8539. Thank You.
This stuff is a menace, and use of it should be closely supervised! One of this polymer's attributes is that it flows downward with gravity between the fibers of almost any other material, so it is important to get to this stain asap. That said, most of the web solutions to this problem seem to focus on a two- or three-pronged attack: first, physically removing the silly putty with a dull knife and then dissolving the residue with WD40, blotting, and repeating. Some recommend following up with rubbing alcohol, or substituting rubbing alcohol for the WD40 altogether. Keep a clean rag under the fabric and blot the solvent with another clean rag. Check for the official version.
you can not do that .do not be silly.
It isn't dont bother, you silly sally! :))
To effectively use air dry putty for your DIY project, first make sure the surface is clean and dry. Apply the putty in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry completely before adding more. Sand the putty smooth once it's dry, and then paint or finish as desired.