Mrs. Dithers first name is Cora
Her name is Terri .
Olivia was her first name. John and the grandparents called her Livvy.
Mrs. ... ladies first.
Raisa Gorbachev has accepted Barbara Bush's invitation to join her for a speech at commencement exercises at Wellesley College on June 1, Mrs. Bush's office announced today. Mrs. Gorbachev will be in the United States with her husband, President Mikhail S. Gorbachev of the Soviet Union, from May 30 to June 4. A group of students at Wellesley have protested the selection of Mrs. Bush as a commencement speaker, saying her only accomplishment was marrying George Bush. Mrs. Gorbachev will also deliver remarks at the commencement ceremony.
Mrs. Watterson's first name is Nicole.
Mrs. Dalloway's first name is Clarissa.
Her first name is Cora.
Mr. Weasley's first name is Arthur.
Mrs. Mallard's first name is Louise.
Her first name was susan
Mrs. Howell's first name on Gilligan's Island is Lovey.
Mrs. Bowles's first name in "Fahrenheit 451" was Mildred.
Mrs Rushton first name is Ivor