A ping pong ball can bounce up to about 10 inches when dropped from a height of 12 inches. The height of the bounce can vary depending on factors such as surface texture, temperature, and air pressure.
2 inches
make sure when bouncing the egg to bounce it from at least a few inches
4 inches
it is 4 inches
A cranberry should bounce about 4 inches high to indicate that it is ripe and ready to be harvested. Farmers use this method to sort out ripe cranberries from unripe ones during harvesting.
about 45 to 59 inches high
4 inches
4 inches.
25 centimeeters
A racquetball will bounce higher. A racquetball is required to be able to bounce 68 to 72 inches from a 100 inch drop at an outside temperature of 70 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. A tennis ball will only rebound 46 to 52 inches but the USTA doesn't give a drop or temperature requirement.