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A three round liner or five round liner (3RL or 5RL) is the most common but it does depend on the look you are after and the overall effect it has on the tattoo, the colours involved, the shading in the colours if any etc. One liners are also available and used for super fine lines like in portrait eyelashes etc. For tribals and the like it won't matter too much but better with a 5RL so that you can use it to fill the corners before you begin with the shader.

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12y ago

A single needle is normally used for tattoo outlines.

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14y ago

Tattoo outlines are usually performed with a single need, while shading is done with groupings of needles. This is why the outline, for many people, is the most painful part of a tattoo.

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13y ago

Use anywhere from a 3-7RL, and then switch up to a large mag. Also, make sure that the machine that's packing it is set up for a nice long stroke.

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Q: Most common needle used for tattoo outlines?
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It depends on the tattoo shop you would get it done at. Most tattoo shops have a minimus price (anywhere from $50 - $100) because you have to pay for a new needle, tattoo ink, etc. If it's a very small tattoo, most shops will do it for the minimum cost.

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For the most common size that you would be doing it in. Line it with a 3RL, and then do your edges with 5RS. Then do the middle fill with a 15RS. The bigger the letters, the bigger the shade needle size and in some instances, the liner as well.

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How long is a piece of string? It depends on who and where you get it from, how much detail is in it, how large you are, etc. Most tattoo artists charge by the hour and this can vary widely depending on the tattoo artist skill and popularity. Your best bet is to into a few tattoo artists and ask them.