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Q: Miscarriage 30 days ago could you be pregnant?
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After having a miscarriage 8 months ago my period is 4 days late. Took pregnancy test and it came back negative... am i pregnant?

after having a miscarriage 6 months ago my period is 4 days late.took pregnancy test it came back negative am i pregnant

I had a miscarriage 4wks 2 days ago i havent started my period yet. I took a home pregnancy test and it was negative. could i still be pregnant or is this normal after a miscarriage?

all i am going to say is go to the hospital please

Could you be pregnant if you had a miscarriage one month ago and now you feel pregnant again and your boobs and nipples are really sore and you have some symptoms?

yes you could be pregnant.

How can you tell if you had a miscarriage a year ago if you didn't know if you were pregnant or not?

You can not.

Could be pregnant if my period ended 8 days ago and I'm having breast tenderness and cramping?

yes, you could be pregnant. you should go to your local family planning to get checked out. they usually do not charge much if anything at all. its important not to ignore this, because you could have even been pregnant and had a miscarriage since you are cramping.

If had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago at 7 weeks pregnant but you still feel the same am bloated constantly could you still be pregnant?

If the doctor examined you after the miscarriage you are not pregnant anymore. He would've caught it. It takes several weeks for the hormones to settle so that might be it or you are pregnant again.

Can you be pregnant if your urine test is positive and you had a miscarriage three months ago?

If the test was positive then you will be pregnant

Your last period was 34 days ago could you be pregnant?


Positive test at hospital then spotted a week later for 6 days then done another test and it was negative could i still be pregnant and hcg levels have dropped or could it be a miscarriage.?

Sounds like a miscarriage. I had the same thing happen years ago. In the first 6-8 weeks this happens when a miscarriage results. I never did have any children because each time it happened.

If you have had a miscarriage and are being sent for an ultrasound what are they expecting to see and will it tell you that you were pregnant or show any signs of previously being preg?

They could be checking for any tissue that was not expelled during the miscarriage. They may be able to tell that you were pregnant depending on how long ago the miscarriage happened, and if anything was left behind.

You had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago dr said hcg levels dropped but still feel pregnant?

i think i had a miscarriage, but i never knew i was pregnant. how do i find out for sure

Its been 46 days since my last period I have no symptoms could I still be pregnant I had a miscarriage DnC Oct 19 2007 I thought my breasts would at least be hurting if I was pregnant but nothing yet?

Some women don't experience any signs and symptoms of being pregnant. What you needed to do (about 39 days ago) was to take a pregnancy test.