You can request one for free at S&W's website.
There's a manual here:
You can request or download a manual from Smith and Wesson's web site.
You can request a manual at the Smith and Wesson web site.
The Smith and Wesson model 915 was made from 1992-1994.
The Smith and Wesson 915 is a semiautomatic 9mm hand gun. The 915 was discontinued in 1995 when the 910 was released.
Contact S&W and ask for a owner's manual
You can download or request a manual for free at the S&W website.
If you go to You-Tube and type in disassemble of Smith and Wesson model 915;there should be a video of the steps needed to take down your smith and Wesson semi-auto 9mm.
9mm parabellum
50-400 usd
100-450 USD
Best left to a trained gunsmith.