the major difference is the commercial paper does not carry a payment guarantee made by a bank where as the bankers note catties that guarantee
differecences between banker's acceptance and letter of credit
Between 35 and 150K, based on various factors
Bankers obtain deposits from customers at a low rate and then invest the customers deposit in higher yield debt and equity instruments. The spread (difference) between the two rates is 3-4%
difference between non bank and commercial bank?
TRANSACTIONBANKERCUSTOMERDeposit in the BankDebtorCreditorLoan from the BankCreditorDebtorLockerLessorLesseeSafe CustodyBaileeBailorCollection of ChequeAgentPrincipalPledgePawner (Pledgee)Pawnee (Pledgor)MortgageMortgageeMortgagorHypothecationHypothecateeHypothecatorShares given for SaleAgentPrincipalM.J. SUBRAMANYAM, XCHANGING, MUMBAI
a)Name of amount due b)demand of repayment
difference between offer and acceptance?
difference between offer and acceptance?
Distinguishing is simply means differences between some two things.
differecences between banker's acceptance and letter of credit
The acceptance, or non-acceptance, of Jesus as savior.
The acceptance, or non-acceptance, of Jesus as savior.
Between 5and 10 thousand
The distinguishing feature of a brown spider with a black head is the contrast between the brown body and the black head.
The distinguishing feature of a red spider with a black abdomen is the contrast between the red body and the black abdomen.
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