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Low cost European rifle.

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Q: Looking for information on an ERMA E6C Bolt action 22lr rifle?
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100-1000 or more depending on specifics

My Stevens Arms Model 87D has a stamp on the barrel only 22 long rifle as automatic what does this mean.?

The rifle will shoot .22lr .22 short, and .22 long. Only .22lr will cycle the action and load the next round. .22 Short and long will function as bolt action only.

How much husqvarna 22lr rifle is accurate in comprasion of brnomodel2 22lr life?

Depends on the shooter, the ammo and the barrel.Edit: Correct, also, if you're looking for a used Husqvarna 22LR the previous owner might have used corrosive ammo.

What bullet does a Mossberg Model 802?

The 802 is a more than decent bolt action .22 rifle. It fires the .22 long rifle (.22LR) cartridge. It's a great gun.

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The best one you can afford that was designed for 22LR rifles.

What is the value of a 22lr erma werke model 62 bolt action rifle it has a 5 round clip and is in excellent condition?

50-100 USD

How can you improve accuracy of a Remington 522 viper 22lr rifle?

Fire all the different types of 22LR you can afford. One or more brands will do better in your rifle.

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