No. In fact, homosexual activity is illegal in Malaysia.
The legal age to purchase tobacco in India is 18 years old. It is against the law to sell to any person below the legal age.
The legal age to have sex in the US is typically 18 years old, although it can vary by state.
It's normal and I'm sure it's legal as long as you're both either below the legal sex age or above the legal sex age however if you're both under the legal sex age then it is illegal to have sex and if one of you is above th sex age and one is below then it will be seen as pedophilia. My advice is go for it but just keep it secret and don't have sex.
As far as the age of consent: The age of consent is 18. It is not legal to have sex if you are not at least 18.
depending on what country you live in, you can have full intercourse (sex), in the uk 16 is the legal age.
It is legal to date this person, but illegal to have sex.
Age of consent is the age you can give legal consent to have sex. Sometimes it is 16 but it can also be 18 and then coincide with the legal age, age of majority, which is when you legally become an adult.
The legal age of consent for sex in Ghana is 16 years old. Any sexual activity with a person below this age is considered statutory rape.
Depends on the state.
The age of consent is 17.
No it is 16.