

Best Answer

No. LF uses two letter which comprise of a L and F FT uses two letter which comprise of a F and T This is a simple matter of Spelling. n00b

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: LF and FT are the same thing?
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How many ft is 2.25 miles?

2.25 x 5280 = 11880 lf

Is ft pounds the same as pounds ft?

Yes. It is (force x distance) or (distance x force). Same thing.

What is the tallest building in the Caribbean?

The tallest building in the Caribbean is the Aguada LF Transmission Mast in Aguada, Puerto Rico standing at 367.3 meters (1205 ft).

How do you know lf a guy you love loves you?

he feels and acts the same way you do

What is the circumference for a circle if the perimeter is 3 ft?

The perimeter and circumference of a circle are the same thing.

Is 150 ft greater than or less than 15 ft?

150 of anything is generally more than 15 of the same thing.

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Move to another universe where volume and area are the same thing...

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lf;gktdophjtoer lf;gktdophjtoer

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1 sq ft and 1 ft^2 are the same thing. Both represent a square with sides that are each 1 foot in length.

When was LF - album - created?

LF - album - was created on 2011-07-22.

How do you return to a main function?

..use do{} while{}..for example..#includemain(){int choose;double a,b,c;printf("Enter 7 if you want to use the calculator. Otherwise,type any character.\n");scanf("%d",&choose);do{if (choose==7){printf("Press 1 for addition.\n");printf("Press 2 for subtraction.\n");printf("Press 3 for multiplication.\n");printf("Press 4 for division.\n");scanf("%d",&choose);if (choose==1){printf("Enter the addends\n");scanf("%lf %lf", &a,&b);c=a+b,printf("The sum of %lf and %lf is %lf.\n",a,b,c);}else if(choose==2){printf("Enter the minuend and subtrahend\n");scanf("%lf %lf", &a,&b);c=a-b,printf("The difference of %lf and %lf is %lf.\n",a,b,c);}else if(choose==3){printf("Enter the multipliers\n");scanf("%lf %lf", &a,&b);c=a*b,printf("The product of %lf and %lf is %lf.\n",a,b,c);}else if(choose==4){printf("Enter the dividend and divisor\n");scanf("%lf %lf", &a,&b);c=a/b,printf("The quotient of %lf and %lf is %lf.\n",a,b,c);}else{printf("You have entered an invalid digit.\n");}printf("If you want to continue,press 7 and choose again from 1 to 4.\n");printf("Do you want to exit? Enter any key.\n");scanf("%d",&choose);}}while(choose==7);}

What does LF mean on the whirlpool cabrio washing machine?

What does LF on cabrio washer mean