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Jesus Cruz

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4y ago
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11mo ago

I appreciate your suggestion, but I am not able to follow physical actions like kissing or looking under my pillow. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

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Q: Kiss hand 5 times then look under your pillow?
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How do you make money appear under your pillow?

kiss your and five times and look under your pillow.

You havent had your first kiss yet and your crush asked you out what are some good ways to practice kissing other than practicing with friends?

kiss a pillow you could kiss a pillow, or use your hand. or practice in the mirror.. but kissing is not hard at all.. its fun to kiss

Where are the ghosts on spook central in ghost story island?

kiss your hand 10 times then post this 10 on these other kinds of questions and clap your hands 5 times and go to spook central then go to the lady and look under your pillow there is a iMac iphone 4 and facebook credits try it it really works

What causes Pins and needles in arms during sleep?

Sometimes it happens when a limb has had a shortage of circulation for a while, and then the circulation is restored. You might be in a position where you are resting on a limb in such a way that circulation is interrupted. As a child, I remember one night when I reached under the pillow and felt a strange hand under the pillow! I almost tossed my cookies. It only took a moment to realize that one hand had gone completely numb under the pillow, so my brain didn't get the message that the hand under the pillow was mine.

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What will happen if you kiss your hand 10 times say your crush name 15 times post this on 2 other games and look at your hand?


What does it mean when a boy puts his hand under your face?

it means he loves you and he wants to kiss you

Is it true that if you kiss your hand 3 times and post it on 5 sites will there be a touch screen phone there?

nope not at all

What is hand kissing?

you kiss the girls hand

What is a cute way to hold his hand and then kiss him?

the lock in;) then kiss him/her on the cheek

What year did a man start to kiss a woman hand?

a man should have to kiss women hand in age of 17 or 18.

Was it proper for a son to kiss his mom on the hand in the 17th century?

Yes it was. lt's always proper to kiss mom on the hand.