a kid should be in diapers at least till its 16 years old but still quite earl a 20yo is better suited to potty train also good is to skip potty training fully
If the kid wets itself daily and soils itself I don't think that child is ready for the responsibility of the potty and should go back to diapers
Yes, if your kid wants to wear diapers let them. But set rules such as they clean themselves up and they can only use it for wetting
Yea they both feel the same only kid diapers have pictures on them
Nappy rash is always a possibilty. It also depends on the age of the child, older children may feel embarrassed if their friends discover that they are still wearing diapers.
no. kids should wear clothes.
If he wants to.
yes he is still a kid alot of kids/teens wear diapers or pull ups ether because there parents make them or just because they wont two buts its normal and most kids/teens bladders are not fully grown yet so that's one of the reasons why parents keep there kids in diapers longer. so if you see a kid and or teenager 18 years old or under wearing a diaper or pull up don't worry it its perfectly normal!!
Usually, we see the question asked the other way around, when people want to know when they should potty train their toddlers and switch from diapers to regular underwear. If you are an adult who is soiling his (or her) undergarments and perhaps the outer garments, as well, you should switch to adult diapers, such as Depends. But you should also consult a doctor, who may be able to treat your incontinence. I KNOW!!! when school gets out, it is tuffer for a kid to ajust to diapers if they also have the fear of having to hide diapers from his friends. summer gives you plenty of time to ajust, and then you can work out your plan
There is no set of rules that allow you to wear diapers. a person can wear a diaper whenever they want, but if you are still young and in school, most elementary schools will put kids in diapers that either wet or mess in their pants on a regular basis, ex once every few days, or if their want to go the extreme route, going either way in their pants every time that they have to go. But your best bet, would probably just be the easiest, tell your parents that you want to wear diapers again, and talk to them about it. They may understand, and then even if they say no, a person can always just start going in their pants. Then the parents really wouldn't have a choice because it would either be let someone wear diapers, or risk having their kid that they know it prone to going in their pants, soil them in public.
they give my kid a rash
Some pre-teen boys may wear diapers due to medical conditions like bedwetting or developmental delays. It's important to approach this topic with understanding and sensitivity, as wearing diapers can be a practical and necessary solution for some individuals in specific circumstances.
clean underwear, clean pajamas, and no socks