no she didnt
That would be an abortion and you get it at the doctors.
First trimester.
you know when you have a miscarage because when your on your period clots of blood come out, heaps of blood and it hurts way more and it takes a while for all that blood to stop, it goes for awhile
A miscarriage is the premature birth of a still born fetus.
If you are bleeding significantly you should get imediate medical help bleeding should stop soon after a miscarage If you are still bleeding more than a period or still the next day there may be placenta still in the uterious You should get medical advise either way
You can drink and live normally when pregnant unless the doctor tells you otherwise.
Yes, it takes the body a couple of months to settle the hormones.
No. As you get further along you will not feel good doing that and naturally stop because the fetus will get too big.
At this month ,the possible causes of baby coming out would be placenta previa,abruptio placenta and unstoppable premature delivery.
Actually this is very possible and it has happened to many women.