Joe drinks some Coke and then burped. The movie was made in the year of 1985 and stars Dudley Moore.
My Jts brown
Houston, TX
food and drink
they drank and partied
Answer: yes.yes he did. :) Answer: If you mean the movie scene, no, that was one of the girls that drank Polyjuice Potion to LOOK LIKE Harry Potter.
He burped his head off and died of course.
My Jts brown
No. Our Drink. We drank. He drank, she drank, and then we all got drunk.
Had drank
Drank."I drank 4 glasses of water yesterday."
First,you shouldn't hunt him. Second,if you really want to know how i did read this. I drank 1 cup of coffe(not decaf).I drank 2 cups of cola soda. And I thought about alot of things at night,so my mind wouldn't go blank.Next thing you know, I hear santa. I said hi, then he left. I guess he was in a hurry. He does travel the world in 1 night!
He drank the tea while it was still hot.I thought you drank it all.
montezuma drank cocolate
No other women
The word drank does not have a gender
It is ''you drank it all.