Yes. Having your period for more than 7 days is not normal. I used to have my period for more than 2weeks... actually I had mine for 2 months straight. I went to the doctor and they said that I wasn't shedding the lining of my uterus properly, and that what I thought were periods, was just menstrual bleeding. When the lining of the uterus isn't shed properly it could contribute to cancer or ovarian cysts. I'm not saying that you have the same problem as me, but irregular periods are not something to be overlooked. You might want to consider seeing a doctor about them soon, because irregular periods could lead to more serious problems later. Hope that helps.
If its your first period, then you dont really know if there's anything really wrong with you. But if your period came once and hasn't come for more than a month and a half, then there might be something wrong. But dont get scared. Usually periods come around every 4 weeks. :) It's basically natural.
Stress often causes this. Has happened to me before --6 weeks is notnecessarily a reason to freak out and whatnot . I would say If you miss two or more periods consult a doctor.
Sure, but more likely you have an infection or that something is wrong. See a doctor.
you may be pregnant without symptoms yet get tested if not it may be stress or hormone imbalance get the test and if it is negative go to the doctor if your period doesn't come within the next month because something more than stress could be wrong
you maybe need to see the docter because you could have something wrong with you. *_*
No. It can take 8 or more weeks to get your period back after a miscarriage.
No something must have gone wrong. If it was a little more chunky than usual than your baby probably came out of you. It would be the size of a rice grain
yes once evey 4 weeks
Contact your doctor right away.... Something could be very wrong...But DON'T be scared because it will just make it even more bad...But like I said contact your doctor ASAP! #Good Luck
Ordinarily canaries do not molt for more than a few weeks. If molt goes on too long, there may something wrong with the birds skin or there may be mites.
Yes, Something is VERY wrong with any female who thinks that that will work. Try for a few more months, then get personal medical advice. The problem may be in the male or the female.