Lortabs are considered safe during pregnancy. HOWEVER You need to discuss this with your doctor first. Many doctors prescribe them for extreme migraines, Back pain etc during pregnancy however it's a very mild dose. Furthermore you can't take them regularly and your doctor will more than likely recommend that you stop use of Lortabs several weeks before deliery to insure that your baby does not display withdrawl symptoms when born. While you may be looking for reassurance on the internet please remember that most of the people out there don't have a clue unless they have been pregnant, or are a doctor. If you are ever in doubt you should call the nurse help hotline (which is completely free) and definatly contact your doctor.
It is okay to take this nutritional drink.
It's not healthy you should be taking Tylenol
To be on the safe side no
Lortab is not used to treat depression. If you are taking it for any other reason than to relieve severe pain, you are abusing it.If you have a prescription for Lortab to treat pain, then it is OK to take this long with your Zoloft. Just remember that it is very addictive and you must take it exactly as the doctor has ordered without taking more.
Do you mean Immodium? If so, do not take this, unless your doctor gives the OK, that goes for all over the counter medications.
I wouldn't risk it. Don't take any chance of harming your baby.
I am taking bactrim and septra, vicodin and lortab, and mobic and want to know if it ok to take sudafed pe non-drying sinus medication?
Yes, it's encouraged.
It is only safe if it is prescribed by a dentist who is aware the patient is pregnant.
Check with your pharmacist. Ask about the synergistic effects of combining the 2 drugs.
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Yes and No. Certain types of medication are ok. Robitussin withOUT the DM is ok. Nothing with aspirin or ib profin. Tylenol is ok.