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It is not always the case that your boyfriend is cheating on you. It is possible that he might be doing that also. You can never be too sure about that.

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Not necessarily.

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Q: Is your boyfriend cheating if he stays out all night?
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you confront him or you ask him. But the best thing to do is give him a really nice night of sex he will dump her and come back to you please note this doesn't all ways work.

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If he knows all your likes and dislikes, he isn't cheating. He cares what you like and does that only.

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not at all, that's cheating. Answer: it depends on if they both know about each other, but if they don't then it's cheating.

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Yes it is cheating and they cheat because they might be confused or think they are all that with two girlfriends.

What are some signal for your boyfriend cheating on you?

He could be acting distant, Treating you differently, Hiding things like social networking sites or his mobile, Staying out all night, Or just not spending much time with you.

Is your boyfriend cheating while you work?

ANSWER: If he gave you something in the past that hurt you, I will not blame you. But you must have a lot of evidence to know if he is cheating on you. If not, all you have is crazy thought.

How do you tell if your boyfriend cheats?

He is hanging out with another girl you know and by his smile if he looked stupid then he is cheating on you and if he is with you all the time he is not cheating on you if he is just don't cry