MosT girls, like my ex, will constantly plsy head games with you to tease you into thinking she still likes you even though, she dosent. It seems girls get over relationships faster than us and its not fair :/
No, you are being mean, so don't do it. Nobody likes a bully.
It means she is either transgendered, or she is teasing you.
She's either concentrating, is nervous, or is teasing you.
because it shows that he wants to talk to you some he dose it by teasing. there are 2 types of teasing the playful teasing and the rude mean teasing. if he's doing the ride teasing....he dosent like you and is probley annoyed by you. but if he dose playful teasing he probley likes you alot.
He is teasing you and may want your attention. Young men often do things that seem the opposite of what a girl thinks is flirting. Teasing you is one way they flirt.
Because they can.
It probably means that she likes you- very much, but maybe shes embarassed to ask you out.
It means that guy is immature and gross.. Or maybe he's teasing you because he likes you...
It can, but it can also mean they just feel comfortable enough around you to do so, or they just felt like annoying/teasing you. Depends on the girl i guess.
Not necessarily. If this girl is teasing you about going out with this other girl, then maybe she heard a rumor about you liking her or that yall go out or something. Or maybe the other girl told that one girl that is teasing that she likes you and know the one girl that teases you thinks that you guys are going out... idk that's the best advice i can give right now dude. sorry though! ;)
Believe it or not teasing is a form of courtship , so yes if the person is teasing you in a certain manner (not all cases of teasing are motivated by passion) it could mean he/she likes you.
Maybe. If he says you are ugly or something, he really think you are pretty@